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We have 42 Chemistry (air) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students






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Chemistry (air) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 42 Chemistry (air) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

How does energy efficiency affect indoor air quality?

This is one of 3 potential projects (other 2 listed below) of which we can fund 2. We encourage all interested candidates to contact the individual supervisors for an informal discussion before a formal application, and to refer to more details on the projects. Read more

How will Climate Change affect Heatwaves, Wildfires and Air Quality across the UK and northern Europe?

Climate change is projected to amplify both the frequency and intensity of heatwaves. These heatwaves are often accompanied by other extreme events, such as wildfires and air pollution episodes, which together create significant risks to public health. Read more

Investigating molecular determinants of cellular fate driven by air pollutants

Air pollution is a critical global issue with severe consequences for the environment, economy, and human health. 99% of the world’s population lives in areas where air pollution exceeds WHO guidelines, leading to accelerated ageing, increased mortality, and decreased health span [1,2,3]. Read more
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Assessment of Flame Retardant Exposure Pathways in Households in the UK

Flame retardants (FRs) are a diverse group of chemicals widely used since the 1970s in consumer products like furniture, textiles, electronics, and building materials to reduce flammability. Read more

Numerical study of the explosion characteristics and potential mitigation measures of ammonia in air

The Internal Energy Agency (IEA) considers ammonia (NH3) key to decarbonising shipping. A new report from the IEA believes it will be ammonia, not methanol, that must play a major role if shipping is to meet its ambitious emissions reductions targets. Read more

Investigating the changing VOC profile of different indoor building materials contaminated with damp and mould, and the potential health effects of key VOC and mould exposures in cell-based airway models

About the project. Contributors to poor indoor air quality include volatile organic compounds (VOCs), damp and/or mould, the level and mixtures of which are in turn dictated by the type of household materials (building, housing and consumer products) within the home and the complex interactions between them. Read more

Development of new organometallic catalysts, and polymers for CO2 capture

A PhD position is available in the group of Dr. Amit Kumar ( to work in the areas of organometallic catalysis, polymer chemistry and CO2 capture. Read more

COCO-VOC studentship: Sniffing organic gases emitted from atmospheric particulates and understanding their importance

Scientific background. The surface oceans are both a source and sink of a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In the marine atmosphere, these gases react with hydroxyl radicals (OH) and determine the reactivity of the atmosphere. Read more

COCO-VOC studentship: Sniffing organic gases emitted from atmospheric particulates and understanding their importance

Scientific background. The surface oceans are both a source and sink of a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In the marine atmosphere, these gases react with hydroxyl radicals (OH) and determine the reactivity of the atmosphere. Read more

Control of Relaxation Times in Rare Earth Single-Molecule Magnets and Qubits

An EPSRC DTG-sponsored PhD studentship is available for an outstanding and ambitious chemist to undertake research in the field of synthetic inorganic chemistry in a collaborative project between three research groups at Manchester Chemistry. Read more

Portable thermal energy storage for localised cooling in offices

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Personal Cooling is becoming a health requirement in offices and other work places as climate change impacts ambient summer temperatures leading to higher internal temperatures in buildings than originally predicted during its design and construction. Read more

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