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We have 32 Child Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students






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Child Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 32 Child Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

Learning from children and young people with complex needs about their experiences of trauma informed care: What works and why? (in collaboration with Lincolnshire Children and Young People’s (CYP) Complex Needs Service (CNS))

Since December 2023 the University of Lincoln have worked closely with Lincolnshire’s Children and Young People’s Complex Needs Service (CYPCNS) establishing strong links through a multi-phase evaluation project informing local policies and practice with potential for broader policy impacts. Read more

PhDs in Psychology, Sociology and Politics

Sheffield Institute of Social Sciences. Our department works to address contemporary issues in areas like health and wellbeing, social policy and inequality, and international relations. Read more

An investigation into the origins of thought: Studies in infant cognitive and socio-emotional development

This PhD project aims to explore preverbal babies’ understandings of the world around them, specifically, what they understand about the social/emotional world, and the physical world, and whether the roots of thought in humans has evolutionary origins. Read more

The use of picture books to increase toddlers’ willingness to consume unfamiliar food.

Evidence demonstrates that repeated exposure is effective in increasing children's liking and consumption of target foods, however parents can find it a challenging strategy to implemement, not least because of the resource it requires. Read more

Structured PhD in Child and Youth Research

The PhD in Child and Youth Research is a four-year full-time or six-year part-time interdisciplinary structured PhD programme. Read more

The role of language use and self-concept in psychosocial interventions for people living with dementia

Dementia is a global public health priority. People living with dementia often face challenges in daily functioning and diminished quality of life, as the disorder affects many important cognitive functions. Read more

Living with allergy during the transition to secondary school

Allergy, the immune system’s hypersensitive reaction to typically harmless substances, can be severe and lead to a potentially life-threatening reaction or anaphylaxis (Turner et al, 2019). Read more

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