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We have 39 Civil Engineering (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships






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Civil Engineering (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 39 Civil Engineering (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Fully Funded PhD opportunities in Engineering Sciences

Engineering Sciences are included in Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, which is regarded to be the first research university in Poland among universities of technology according to domestic rankings. Read more

Climate resilient submerged infrastructure

Supervisory Team. Dr Gustavo de Almeida and Dr Sergio Maldonado. Fully funded PhD at the University of Southampton investigating novel design methods to improve submerged infrastructure resilience against currents and waves. Read more

PhD Opportunity in Fire Engineering: Investigating Overpressure Events in Combustible Compartments

Applications are invited for two fully funded (four years maximum) PhD scholarships in the department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, to work on overpressure events in combustible compartment under the supervision of Dr Andres Valencia, Dr Aatif Khan and Emeritus Prof. Read more

EPSRC InDustrial CDT in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE)

Fully funded, industrially-driven, Engineering Doctorate in Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE); receive bespoke training; be immersed in the commercial activities of an industrial sponsor; be paid an enhanced, tax-free, stipend (£24,797) and be supported by four leading ORE Universities (Edinburgh, Strathclyde, Exeter and Swansea). Read more

EPSRC InDustrial CDT in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE)

Fully funded, industrially-driven, Engineering Doctorate in Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE); receive bespoke training; be immersed in the commercial activities of an industrial sponsor; be paid an enhanced, tax-free, stipend (£24,797) and be supported by four leading ORE Universities (Edinburgh, Strathclyde, Exeter and Swansea). Read more

EPSRC InDustrial CDT in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE)

Fully funded, industrially-driven, Engineering Doctorate in Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE); receive bespoke training; be immersed in the commercial activities of an industrial sponsor; be paid an enhanced, tax-free, stipend (£24,797) and be supported by four leading ORE Universities (Edinburgh, Strathclyde, Exeter and Swansea). Read more

EPSRC InDustrial CDT in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE)

Fully funded, industrially-driven, Engineering Doctorate in Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE); receive bespoke training; be immersed in the commercial activities of an industrial sponsor; be paid an enhanced, tax-free, stipend (£24,797) and be supported by four leading ORE Universities (Edinburgh, Strathclyde, Exeter and Swansea). Read more

Locating and sizing electric vehicle charging stations through multi-stage stochastic optimisation

NTHU-UoL Dual PhD Programme between National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan and the University of Liverpool in the UK is a well-established programme, where students spending 2 years at both institutions. Read more

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