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Civil Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 226 Civil Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

Concrete under fire

Concrete remains one of the mostly widely used materials in the world and fundamental to society. However, it is also a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions representing 8% of global CO. Read more

Shrinkage cracking in Fibre Reinforced Concrete

This project will investigate the early age cracking behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC). Large scale experiments are planned to investigate the cracking behaviour of restrained slab elements containing various amount of fibre reinforcement. Read more

Reliability Analysis of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Structures

Fibre reinforced concrete is characterised by its post cracking strength. Determining these properties can be subject to a high degree of scatter which may otherwise lead to low characteristic values which may be adopted in design. Read more

Could in service life concrete carbonation lead to negative emissions?

  Research Group: CDT in Green Industrial Futures
This advert will close once a suitable candidate has been found. This PhD is one of a number of projects hosted by the Centre for Doctoral Training in Green Industrial Futures (CDT-GIF). Read more

Effect of accelerated carbonation on the microstructure of lime-stabilised earth bricks

The University of Bath Institute of Sustainability and Climate Change invites applications for the following PhD project which is part of a joint PhD programme between the University of Bath and Monash University in Australia. . Read more

Breathing Materials: Regenerative catalysts for healthier exhalative structures

The University of Bath Institute of Sustainability and Climate Change invites applications for the following PhD project which is part of a joint PhD programme between the University of Bath and Monash University in Australia. . Read more

Water quality monitoring and forecasting through integration of geospatial and remotely sensed data

How can geospatial data from diverse sources, such as satellites, Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and Uncrewed Surface Vehicles (USVs), be combined to effectively map, monitor, and predict pollution in freshwater and coastal ecosystems?. Read more

Monitoring the Impact of Green Infrastructure using Citizen Science in Urban and Rural Catchments

Urban and rural environments face a range of pressures and impacts as a result of extreme weather events, including flooding, which are projected to increase in frequency and severity with climate change. Read more

New design methodologies for open pit mines of reduced carbon footprint for the extraction of green economy metals

A key policy objective of the United Kingdom government is to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. This requires the decarbonization of all the major sources of emissions direct and indirect, i.e. Read more

Investigation of thermal properties of soils for offshore wind power cable design

The offshore wind industry is growing exponentially to meet climate change and energy transition goals. Power is transmitted to shore via cables trenched into the seabed. Read more

Achieving Material Efficiency in Modern Floor Design based on Human Acceptability

Background. The production of construction materials is a significant source of carbon emissions, and the way of achieving low carbon in construction is to enhance material efficiency. Read more

Future-Proofing Urban Water Supply: Antifragile Design for Flood Resilience

In the wake of increasing climate variability, urban areas worldwide are experiencing more frequent and severe flooding events, posing significant threats to water supply systems. Read more

An agent-based cellular automata model for analysing climate change risks to rapidly growing cities

In order deliver objective and sustainable future urban development a new suite of modelling tools are required that can assess the temporal dynamics of urban development in relation to multiple climate change hazards (e.g., heat, flooding, drought, vector borne diseases etc). Read more

Integrated Food and Water Planning for the Blue Nile Basin

Providing food security is one of this century’s most important challenges and can be affected by a range of factors, including global crises such as pandemics… Read more

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