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We have 58 Clinical Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships






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Clinical Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 58 Clinical Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

PhD candidates in clinical psychology study the causes, presentation and treatment of a wide range of mental health problems. You’ll have the opportunity to make a substantial contribution to our understanding of psychological disorders and pathology, which will ultimately aid in the improvement of treatment options and the promotion of wellbeing.

What’s it like to study a PhD in Clinical Psychology?

Over the course of your PhD you’ll work with a supervisor to complete an individual research project. Many Clinical Psychology PhD projects in the UK are in partnership with NHS trusts, meaning you’ll have the opportunity to work with clinicians and patients and collect data using a variety of methods such as neuroimaging, behavioural testing, focus groups and surveys.

Possible research areas include:

  • Psychotherapies
  • Addiction
  • Violence/ offending behaviour
  • Mood, anxiety and eating disorders
  • Psychosis and complex mental health
  • Trauma

There are a number of advertised Clinical Psychology PhDs in the UK. These are often delivered in partnership with NHS services, with the aim of improving mental health treatments. Students can also propose their own research projects.

Most of your research will be done independently, but you’ll often have the opportunity to discuss your work with fellow students and academics as part of a wider research group. You may also be encouraged to attend taught units that are relevant to your chosen topic. Many of the academics you’ll work with will hold clinical posts within the NHS, ensuring your research remains grounded in clinical practice.

Entry Requirements

The most common entry requirement for PhD programmes in Psychology is a an upper second-class Bachelors degree in a relevant subject, though a Masters is often desirable (and occasionally required). Applicants with a lower classification of undergraduate degree will usually only be considered if they also hold a Masters with a Merit or Distinction.

PhD in Clinical Psychology funding options

The Research Council responsible for funding Psychology PhDs in the UK is the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). It provides fully funded studentships that include coverage of your tuition fees, along with a stipend to cover living expenses. Advertised Psychology PhDs will often have studentships attached. Students proposing their own research project may be able to apply for a studentship after being accepted onto a programme.

Many Psychology PhD programmes, however, will only accept self-funded students. Options for independently financing your PhD include the UK government’s doctoral loan, part-time employment alongside your studies and support from charities or trusts.

PhD in Clinical Psychology Careers

A PhD in Clinical Psychology will equip you with numerous transferable skills such as academic writing and publishing, data analysis, critical thinking and abstract reasoning. Many graduates will go on to continue their careers in research, but the skillset you’ll earn will also be invaluable in numerous non-academic sectors, such as marketing, human resources, government and media.

It’s worth noting that while you’ll graduate in with an expertise in the field of Clinical Psychology, your PhD alone will not automatically qualify you to practice as a Clinical Psychologist in the UK. To assess and treat patients in a clinical setting, you’ll need to become a chartered member of the British Psychological Society. The most common route to achieving this is completing a vocational course such as the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (ClinPsyD).

read more

Understanding children with neurodevelopmental problems using a developmental, RDoC-informed approach

  Research Group: Developmental Science
Applications are invited for a highly motivated, enthusiastic psychologist with an interest in developmental psychopathology to join the well-supported Neurodevelopment Assessment Unit and its team ( at Cardiff University. Read more

Identifying pathways to mental health presentations in congenital skin conditions

Skin conditions are often associated with an increased risk of psychological distress, notably mood disturbance such as depression, anxiety and irritability [1]; however, in many cases, the pathways mediating these associations have not been systematically investigated. Read more

Climate Distress: Development of a Theoretical and Empirical Framework

Climate distress encompasses a range of emotional responses to human-caused environmental changes and their effects. These emotional experiences include anxiety (Clayton, 2020), anger (Stanley et al., 2021), and grief (Cunsolo & Ellis, 2018). Read more

Better behavioural tests for clinical research

Current batteries of cognitive assessments, tasks and questionnaires used routinely by researchers and clinicians to measure behavioural and cognitive dysfunctions have multiple limitations. Read more

Supporting adoptees’ experiences and relationships in secondary school

Applications are invited for a highly motivated, enthusiastic psychologist with an interest in developmental science to join the Wales Adoption Cohort Study team at Cardiff University. Read more

Predicting transdiagnostic symptoms in psychosis, schizophrenia and bipolar

Diagnosis in psychiatry relies on the presence of groups of experiences and symptoms and these can overlap substantially between psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar or schizoaffective disorder. Read more

Multimodal stratification of severe mental illness in the Brain & Genomics Hub of the UK Mental Health Platform

Schizophrenia (SZ), bipolar disorder (BD), and schizoaffective disorder (SAD) are the archetypal severe mental illnesses (SMIs) and place an enormous burden on individuals, their carers and wider society. Read more
Last chance to apply

Experiences of postpartum survivors of Intimate Partner Violence with serious mental health illness

About the Project. Background to the project. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a continuum of abuse experienced between romantic partners, including homicide, physical and sexual assault as well as psychological abuse (e.g., threats, harassment, coercion and intimidation). Read more

PhD Studentship - Clinically unrecognised dementia with Lewy bodies: what are the causes, consequences, and opportunities?

Award Summary. 100% of home tuition fees paid and an annual stipend (living expenses) of £20,500. Additional funding will support research visits, attendance at national/international conferences, and training. . Read more

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