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We have 16 Clinical Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students






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Clinical Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students

We have 16 Clinical Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students

PhD Studentship - Clinically unrecognised dementia with Lewy bodies: what are the causes, consequences, and opportunities?

Award Summary. 100% of home tuition fees paid and an annual stipend (living expenses) of £20,500. Additional funding will support research visits, attendance at national/international conferences, and training. . Read more
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Neurodiversity in sport: from PE to elite sport

The idea of neurodiversity or being neurodivergent (ND), as opposed to neurotypical (NT), emerged in the 1960s in relation to autism, but now encompasses several conditions. Read more
Last chance to apply

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the Menopause: From understanding to management

ADHD is characterised by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Although originally considered a childhood condition, it is now known to impact all ages, meaning taking a lifespan approach to ADHD is critical. Read more

Learning from children and young people with complex needs about their experiences of trauma informed care: What works and why? (in collaboration with Lincolnshire Children and Young People’s (CYP) Complex Needs Service (CNS))

Since December 2023 the University of Lincoln have worked closely with Lincolnshire’s Children and Young People’s Complex Needs Service (CYPCNS) establishing strong links through a multi-phase evaluation project informing local policies and practice with potential for broader policy impacts. Read more

PhD Studentship for research on psychological safety in elite performance training

PhD studentship at Guildhall School of Music & Drama, in association with Loughborough University. This opportunity is offered with a full fee waiver in the first instance, with the possibility of further funding. Read more

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