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We have 202 Computational Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships






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Computational Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 202 Computational Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

A PhD in Computational Physics involves the development of mathematical models and computer programmes that can compute the behaviour of physical systems.

What's it like to study a PhD in Computational Physics?

A PhD in Computational Physics requires the development of new mathematical models and computer programmes. This can involve working on problems in areas like:

  • quantum many-body theory
  • computational fluid dynamics
  • biophysical simulation
  • neutron transport
  • beam simulation

You'll be encouraged to work independently on your research topic, which will usually be part of a larger project being led by a member of staff or a research group.

In a typical Computational Physics PhD, you'll work under the guidance of an expert supervisor to whom you'll submit a thesis at the end of your study. You may also be asked to give occasional presentations about your research at departmental level.

Some Computational Physics PhDs will require laboratory-based research, but many are entirely computational.

Typical entry requirements for a PhD in Computational Physics are a 2:1 in Physics, Mathematics or a related subject, although a Masters may occasionally be required.

PhD in Computational Physics funding options

Most PhDs in Computational Physics are funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), meaning that you'll receive a tax-free salary along with training during your PhD.

Some universities may also offer their own funding options. If you are considering a PhD that is fully self-funded, it is advisable to confirm that the programme meets UK academic standards before you apply.

PhD in Computational Physics careers

There is a huge demand for experts in Computational Physics, with careers available in academia, finance and technology. Many Computational Physics PhD graduates also choose to become teachers.

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Understanding risk due to Reynolds scaling effects for future aircraft development

This project will investigated Reynolds scaling effects to help support the development of future aircraft. . In the development of future aircraft, Reynolds number scaling effects present a critical challenge, particularly when transitioning from small-scale wind tunnel models to full-scale aircraft. Read more

Modelling the dynamics of surfactant-laden droplets for sustainable design of emulsions

Background. Emulsions, which consist of dispersed droplets of one liquid in another immiscible liquid, are critical components in a wide range of applications, from personal care products and pharmaceuticals to food, agrochemicals, and lubricants. Read more

Large Language Models for Explainable and Scalable Radio Galaxy Classification

Large Language Models for Explainable and Scalable Radio Galaxy Classification. Anticipated start date. September 2025. Note: Subject to funding via The Liverpool Centre for Doctoral Training for Innovation in Data Intensive Science (LIV.INNO). Read more

EPSRC iCASE PhD studentship with SLB - Buoyancy effects in advanced geothermal systems

We invite applications for a fully funded four-year EPSRC iCASE PhD studentship at the University of Sheffield, offered in collaboration with SLB, a global leader in energy technology innovation. Read more

Precise predictions for lepton scattering experiments

Particle physics experiments involving leptons are among the most precise experiments in all of science. They can be used to stress-test the Standard Model of Particle Physics at many different energy scales if the underlying processes are sufficiently well understood. Read more

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