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We have 145 Computational Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students






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Computational Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

We have 145 Computational Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

AI and Geodemographics

This research project will advance the field of geodemographic classification by developing novel methodological approaches to integrate and analyse diverse urban data sources. Read more

(UoM - A* STAR) Combining twisted 2D Materials and metaoptics for mid-far-IR & THz light matter interaction

The electromagnetic radiation is one of the prime tools to investigate matter and its properties. This is made possible by the existence of efficient and compact sources and detectors in the whole spectrum, with the crucial exception of the low-THz/far IR range (between 3 and 30 THz). Read more

Fault-tolerant quantum computing for nuclear physics

This PhD project looks forward to the emerging generation of practical quantum computers which have sufficient error correction to perform reliable calculations of quantum algorithms which exceed classical computational ability – so-called quantum advantage. Read more

(UoM - A* STAR) Air-Ocean gas exchange in three-dimensional breaking waves

The absorption of carbon dioxide and other gases by the oceans plays a major role in our climate and coastal processes, including coral and seagrass growth for coastal protection, but we lack a comprehensive understanding of the processes by which this occurs. Read more

Direct Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion modelling including CBET and LPI frameworks

A PhD project for October 2025 start. Supervised by Prof. Jeremy Chittenden. Direct Drive (DD) inertial fusion energy (IFE) schemes directly illuminate a fusion fuel pellet with laser light. Read more

Fusion yield scaling for Indirect Drive on the National Ignition Facility.

A PhD project for October 2025 start. Supervised by Prof. Jeremy Chittenden. The demonstration of ignition in indirect drive inertial confinement fusion experiments has provided the first laboratory platform to study the physics of thermonuclear burning plasma. Read more

Spray control in rotary atomizers

This project aims to control the droplet size distribution produced by rotary atomizers by adjusting the shape and wettability of the rotating surface. Read more

The University of Manchester - Department of Physics and Astronomy

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Manchester is home to outstanding research, leading facilities such as the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, and internationally renowned physicists and astronomers including the discoverers of graphene Professor Sir Andre Geim and Professor Sir Konstantin Novoselov, and Professor Brian Cox. Read more

Realization of a Cherenkov-Diffraction Radiation based Outcoupling Scheme for Beam Diagnostic Applications - PPPR077

Radiation generated by high-energy particle beams is extensively used for beam diagnostics. This radiation originates from the electromagnetic field bound to the charged particle, which separates from the particle itself. Read more

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