We have 16 The University of Manchester, Department of Mathematics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
The University of Manchester, Department of Mathematics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
We have 16 The University of Manchester, Department of Mathematics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
Modelling climatic variables and their impact on health outcomes
We are pleased to announce a highly competitive PhD opportunity with a focus on advanced modelling of health and climate data. Read more
Modelling health-climate interaction
We are pleased to announce a highly competitive PhD opportunity in statistics with a focus on advanced statistical modelling of health and climate data. Read more
The University of Manchester - Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics at Manchester is one of the largest Mathematics Departments in the UK and has been home to some of the brightest postgraduate and academic mathematicians. Read more
Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data
Joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event outcomes is a statistical approach that simultaneously analyzes the relationship between a longitudinal outcome (such as repeated measurements over time) and a time-to-event outcome (like survival time or time to a specific event). Read more
(UoM - IIT KGP) Multi-dimensional population balance modelling of continuous crystallization of high-aspect ratio crystals
Continuous crystallization has many advantages over traditional batch production such as cost effectiveness, consistent product quality, easy scale-up possibility, and enhanced process safety. Read more
Advancing Seasonal Weather Risk Assessment with Machine Learning
The increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, exacerbated by climate change, pose substantial risks to food security and result in widespread loss and damage to property. Read more
Long-term behaviour of Markov chains
Several projects are available, studying idealised Markovian models of epidemic, population and network processes. The emphasis will mostly be on theoretical aspects of the models, involving advanced probability theory. Read more
Optimising underground energy storage systems through mathematical modelling and data integration
Underground energy storage in the form of compressed gas is emerging as a pivotal solution in the transition to a sustainable clean energy economy. Read more
Helmholz equation in unbounded domains with complicated boundary conditions
Helmholz equation is an important partial differential equation (PDE) which has many applications in science and engenering. Despite being a well studied linear PDE simple methods such as separation of variables work only in rare case when the boundary conditions are of specific form and on specific domains. Read more
Develop mathematical tools enabling the design of quieter blades
Noise pollution is a growing health concern which affects mental health, and the quality and duration of life. We know that such noise reducing solutions are present in nature for example owls and humpback whales have adaptations (both small scale periodic and large changes in shape) to reduce noise. Read more
Correlative characterisation of materials
The University of Manchester offer world leading materials characterisation facilities. The aim of this project is to harness the range of length scales, allowing materials to be studied from entire components down to individual atoms to help explain the complexity of structure and material properties. Read more
[FSE Bicentenary PhD] Mathematical models for emergency responses to environmental hazards
A range of models exist for reverse engineering the source term from a deliberate or accidental release of pathogenic agent [1,2,3] and for learning the transmissibility of infectious diseases [4,5,6]. Read more
Universality in random growth processes
The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class is a collection of models that includes the random growth of a surface over time or the behaviour of a large number of particles that move around in space and interact with each other according to specified rules. Read more
Image segmentation in radioastronomy with physical models on graphs
AI_CDT_DecisionMaking. Details. Astronomical survey data contains images of many millions of complex multi-component astrophysical systems such as galaxies, star-forming regions, active galactic nuclei and large-scale structures. Read more
Modelling the biomechanical networks of the lung in heath and disease
We are looking for an exceptional student to take on an exciting interdisciplinary project at the interface of biomechanical modelling and respiratory medicine. Read more
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