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We have 69 Developmental Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students






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Developmental Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 69 Developmental Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

Understanding the well-being and academic competence of youth in high-achieving schools

A growing body of research in Western settings shows that, despite significant educational – and often financial – advantages, youth who grow up in high-achieving contexts tend to report higher rates of internalizing and externalizing problems compared to national norms (Luthar et al., 2013; Luthar et al., 2020a). Read more

Sensory-inclusive environments for autistic people and others with sensory processing differences

Sensory processing differences have been reported in a range of conditions, including autism, ADHD and migraine. These sensory processing differences can have a huge impact on people's everyday lives. Read more

Cognitive neuroscience of atypical attention in autism and ADHD

The perceptual saliency of distracting non-target information presents a major challenge for attention selection processes, which are required to bias selection away from distracting, non-target items. Read more

An investigation into the origins of thought: Studies in infant cognitive and socio-emotional development

This PhD project aims to explore preverbal babies’ understandings of the world around them, specifically, what they understand about the social/emotional world, and the physical world, and whether the roots of thought in humans has evolutionary origins. Read more

Risk taking, decision making and ADHD characteristics in contact and non-contact athletes (ref: SF23/HLS/SER/Thornton)

Participation in sport is often associated with physical risks and a higher incidence of injury. Those who choose to engage in sporting activities often differ from those who are sedentary in terms of personality and behaviour (Guillen & Laborde, 2014). Read more

The use of picture books to increase toddlers’ willingness to consume unfamiliar food.

Evidence demonstrates that repeated exposure is effective in increasing children's liking and consumption of target foods, however parents can find it a challenging strategy to implemement, not least because of the resource it requires. Read more

How does parental education increase risk to ADHD in the offspring?

Rationale. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic neurodevelopmental condition, characterised by persistent difficulties in the areas of attention span/impulse control. Read more

Self-funded PhD- Exploring changes in well-being across key life transitions

About the Project. We conduct research on the causes and consequences of positive well-being across the life course. Positive well-being includes feelings of happiness, satisfaction with one’s life, and having meaning and purpose. Read more

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