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We have 4 Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Dundee






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Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Dundee

We have 4 Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Dundee

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China Scholarship Council: Breaking the barrier: Improving antibiotic design by machine learning

Antibiotic resistance is a global health problem of increasing severity. Infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria are especially difficult to treat owing to the poor permeability of their cell envelope and the efficiency of multidrug efflux pumps, which prevents drugs from accumulating near their targets. Read more
Last chance to apply

China Scholarship Council: PROTACs in plants - effectiveness, biological mechanisms and implications for use

Agriculture for the future. climate change, expanding populations, emerging pathogens and water constraints. . Food production must increase by 50% by 2050 to feed the global population in the face of climate change, while using less water, pesticide and fertilizer (UN FAO). Read more
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