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We have 4 Bioinformatics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Durham



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Bioinformatics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Durham

We have 4 Bioinformatics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Durham

The semiring of partial transformations: an algebraic and algorithmic approach to modularity

This project will aim to design algorithms to efficiently solve equations in the semiring of partial transformations. This is a theoretical project in an area that combines graph theory, algebra, and algorithms. Read more

Graph Colouring

Most optimization problems defined on graphs are computationally hard in general. This holds for the Graph Colouring problem, the problem of assigning a unique colour to each vertex of a graph, in such a way that any two adjacent vertices receive different colours, using the smallest possible number of colours. Read more

Algorithmic Meta-Classifications

PhD project at Durham University in Algorithmic Graph Theory. The Department of Computer Science of Durham University is inviting applications for a PhD project in Theoretical Computer Science in the Algorithms & Complexity Group ( Read more
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