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We have 14 Engineering (climate change risk) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students






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Engineering (climate change risk) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 14 Engineering (climate change risk) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

An agent-based cellular automata model for analysing climate change risks to rapidly growing cities

In order deliver objective and sustainable future urban development a new suite of modelling tools are required that can assess the temporal dynamics of urban development in relation to multiple climate change hazards (e.g., heat, flooding, drought, vector borne diseases etc). Read more

University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University PhD opportunities in Net Zero Maritime Energy Solutions (N0MES)

We are looking for PhD candidates interested in addressing real-world sustainability issues facing the UK and beyond. Our projects are diverse, multidisciplinary and driven by scientific endeavour, national priorities and industry need. Read more

University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University PhD opportunities in Net Zero Maritime Energy Solutions (N0MES)

We are looking for PhD candidates interested in addressing real-world sustainability issues facing the UK and beyond. Our projects are diverse, multidisciplinary and driven by scientific endeavour, national priorities and industry need. Read more

Impact of Impurities on Hydrate Phase Equilibria of CO2-rich Systems for Carbon Capture and Transportation Applications

To prevent global warming and the resulting climate change, one promising option is to capture the CO2 produced from the large emission sources from various industries such as power plant, cement, and steel industries and transport them via CO2 pipelines/clusters to suitable platforms wherein it is securely stored. Read more

Unravelling the Data Behind Battery Fires

The successful PhD student will be co-supervised and work alongside our external partner FRISSBE- ZAG. This studentship is open to students worldwide *please see funding notes below. Read more
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