We have 6 isotope PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)



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isotope PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)

We have 6 isotope PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)

Understanding tritium trapping/retention in fusion materials due to helium induced cavities

A funded 3.5-year UK PhD studentship is available at the University of Birmingham with a tax-free stipend. The project is co-funded by the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s Tritium Fuel Cycle Division and will be collaborated with world-leading institutes in the US, France and Germany. Read more

Exploring medical isotopes production with the photon beams

  Research Group: Healthcare Engineering
There is a growing demand for radioactive isotopes to be employed both in treatment and diagnostics. Suitable isotopes need to be producable in sufficiently large quantities and at affordable price. Read more
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