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We have 149 Evolution PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students



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Evolution PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

We have 149 Evolution PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

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EASTBIO: How did seashells get their stripes: molecular mechanisms of molluscan shell patterning

Pattern formation is crucial for the correct development of multicellular organisms. Molluscan shells have long been used as models for understanding the development of patterns in nature, however a molecular understanding of pattern formation in shells remains elusive. Read more
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EASTBIO: How can antibiotics and bacterial defence systems interact to limit antibiotic resistance transmission?

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major public health crisis, causing over one million deaths per year. The spread of AMR is largely due to the carriage of AMR genes on conjugative plasmids, mobile genetic elements that spread by conjugation between bacteria. Read more

Sensory and bioengineering approaches to predict hearing abilities in fish

This project aims to understand the factors responsible for the extraordinary diversity in the shape and size of fish ears and why some fishes are more sensitive to sound than others, which is poorly understood. Read more

EUROPE: 17 PhD positions in MSCA DN project INCITE

Seventeen PhD positions are available in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Training Network “INCITE– Insect Clock Initial Training Experience”. Read more

The taphonomy of collagen

Collagen plays a range of vital functions in animals. Genetic sequence data has enabled us to reconstruct its origin in deep time and subsequent differentiation into various types. Read more

Physical Biology of Genlisea Rhizophylls: Understanding Microbial Trapping Mechanisms

Are you fascinated by the intersection of biology, physics and engineering? This exciting PhD project explores the physical principles behind the unique trapping mechanisms of Genlisea rhizophylls, specialised subterranean leaves found in a remarkable genus of carnivorous plants. Read more
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Social networks, fitness and ageing in a wild vertebrate population.

  Research Group: Institute of Ecology & Evolution
Social behaviour varies considerably among individual animals within natural populations. Mounting evidence from field studies shows that this variation has important consequences for individual health and fitness. Read more

Investigating the cognitive ecology of the European nightjar

Background. This project aims to use new, state-of-the-art tracking technology to track at very high resolution the movements of first-time and experienced breeding nightjars from shortly after they arrive from migration. Read more

Retrodeformation and Phenomic Data Capture from Fossils to Reconstruct Response to Past Mass Extinction and Global Climate Change

*Please note that this PhD will be hosted at the Natural History Museum, London*. The fossil record provides a massive but underused source of data on how organisms respond to large-scale changes in their environment, whether due to extinction, invasion, or environmental change. Read more

Spore It Out: Giving Fungal Spores a Voice

*Please note that this PhD will be hosted at Royal Botanic Gardens Kew*. What if fungal spores could talk?. Imagine unlocking the secrets of fungal biodiversity with unprecedented precision, mapping species and identifying collections effortlessly. Read more

Understanding genomic structural variation for cattle complex phenotypes

Funding. This PhD project is part of a competition funded by SRUC. This opportunity is open to UK and International students and provides funding to cover tuition fees at the UK rate, plus a stipend to support living costs. Read more

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