We have 55 Ulster University - Belfast Campus, Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
Ulster University - Belfast Campus, Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
We have 55 Ulster University - Belfast Campus, Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
Dynamic facades and climate adaptive building envelopes
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Over 30% of global final energy consumption and CO2 emissions can be attributed to residential and commercial sector buildings. To achieve Net/Near-Zero Energy Building commitments, building envelopes using adaptive/dynamic technologies will be instrumental in reducing energy consumption. Read more
Single Electricity Market under net-zero energy system
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Are you driven to solve real-world energy challenges? Join this fully funded PhD project in collaboration with SONI Ltdand EirGrid plc, leading Transmission System Operators for Northern Ireland and Ireland. Read more
Data-Knowledge Integrated AI Decision Framework for Optimizing IoT Connected Building Assets
Research Group:
Climate change necessitates improved energy efficiency. Refrigeration in the retail sector and in building air conditioning systems is a major energy consumer. Read more
Development of a biomedical sensor platform as a health monitoring tool to improve the quality of life of ostomates
Research Group:
Stoma surgery is a lifesaving intervention for those suffering from cancer and inflammatory bowel disease and, worldwide, it has been estimated that there are over 3 million people with a stoma (200,000 in the UK). Read more
LIAISE - Lifeline Information Analysis for Improved Service Experience
Research Group:
In this groundbreaking PhD research project called LIAISE (Lifeline Information Analysis for Improved Service Experience), the PhD researcher will work closely with the collaborating project partner, the Public Health Agency (PHA) to analyse its Lifeline service call data to identify patterns in caller behaviour and counsellor responses. Read more
Exploring the value of public health amenities and assets in creating healthy, sustainable, attractive built environments in addressing public health inequalities, social barriers and urban decline.
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Public toilets play a key role in ensuring public health and wellbeing through infectious disease prevention and control. Read more
Fanger Comfort Model: Still fit for purpose?
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Fanger’s comfort modelis is used to set internal temperatures based upon the activity and clothing of humans. It has been in use since the 1960s. Read more
Portable thermal energy storage for localised cooling in offices
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Personal Cooling is becoming a health requirement in offices and other work places as climate change impacts ambient summer temperatures leading to higher internal temperatures in buildings than originally predicted during its design and construction. Read more
Adaptive Smart Retrofitting for Historical Buildings: Innovative Integration of Sustainable Wall Technologies with Energy AI-based feedback system
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Historical buildings are the essence of a community, embodying visual, cultural, and social elements that shape a unique identity and sense of place. Read more
Fire Code Design Development for Precast Cladding Façade System.
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
In a situation where the PCSPF is exposed to fire, the insulation layer should first ensure the thermal protection of the load-bearing layer, stay firm during the fire, and not contribute to fire spread. Read more
GenZ and GenAI : Assessing the potential benefits and limitations of using Generative AI tools in tertiary education in Built Environment courses.
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is dramatically disrupting traditional patterns of teaching, learning and assessment in tertiary education. Read more
Heat pump performance improvement by PVT and/or energy storage integration.
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
The UK’s net zero strategy clearly emphasises the role of heat pumps, other renewable technologies (e.g., Solar PV/thermal, hydrogen), and EVs with an increased share of renewable electricity while keeping the security of supply in mind. Read more
Assessing Effect of Greenhouse Gases Emission Reduction with Variable Renewable Energy Implementation in Marine Climate Islands
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
The UK has set a Net Zero target by 2050, which means no longer adding to the total amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Read more
Fire Dynamics, Material Flammability and Computer Modelling of Fire Phenomena
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Fire dynamics and material flammability are important research areas within fire safety engineering (FSE) in identifying and understanding the mechanisms related to the degradation, ignition and burning of materials and subsequent the fire spread and development with the ultimate goal to improve fire safety (people and structure) in buildings and other spaces. Read more
Modelling of transfer of heat and toxic chemicals through firefighters’ multilayer clothing
Research Group:
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning