We have 9 The University of Manchester, Faculty of Humanities Doctoral Academy, School of Social Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
The University of Manchester, Faculty of Humanities Doctoral Academy, School of Social Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
We have 9 The University of Manchester, Faculty of Humanities Doctoral Academy, School of Social Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
Integrating Agent-based Models with Social Network Analysis: Uncovering Complex Phenomena in Market Research Data
Translating Burgess | Burgess Translating
Human-AI relations with chatbots and griefbots in China, India, Korea
What Prying Eyes Might See: the Organisational Vulnerabilities Revealed in Transactional Data
Polls Apart: Understanding and Reducing Vote Intention Polling Misses in Elections Around the World
Computational Legal Analysis - Classifying and Understanding Remedies in Comparative Labour Law
PhD Studentship in Social Statistics with focus on Digital and Computational Demography
Blockchain Forensics: Investigating the Dynamics and Evolution of Blockchain Crimes
Defying Disability in Victorian Jewish Manchester: The Diaries of David Isaacs and Social Marginality in a Minority Community
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