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We have 53 Ulster University - Coleraine Campus, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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Ulster University - Coleraine Campus, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 53 Ulster University - Coleraine Campus, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Development of an docetaxel-loaded implantable device for the localised treatment of prostate cancer

  Research Group: Biomedical Sciences
Background. ChemoSeed®, from CRISM Therapeutics, is an implantable, biodegradable drug delivery technology designed for the sustained release of chemotherapy directly into cancer tissue thereby improving clinical performance. Read more

Carbon fluxes in the uplands and implications for national inventories

  Research Group: Geography and Environmental Studies
Northern Ireland peatlands, and upland peats in particular, are currently devalued in terms of carbon due to the broad default emissions factors that are applied across these environments (Evans et al., 2023). Read more

Measuring the impact of a whole plant based alternative protein sources on gut health and metabolic function

  Research Group: Biomedical Sciences
A number of aquatic plants, including duckweed (genera Lemna, Wolffia, and Spirodela), are emerging as potential sources of alternative proteins to assist in population level dietary transition to a sustainable, low animal protein healthy diet. Read more

Are plant-based flavonoid metabolites the key to better cognitive health?

  Research Group: Biomedical Sciences
Globally, populations are ageing, and concomitant with this is an increase in the healthcare burden of cognitive dysfunction and dementia including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Read more

Nutritional Knowledge, Dietary Practices and Immune Health of Gaelic Players

  Research Group: Biomedical Sciences
Nutrition plays a key role in athletic health and performance. Evidence suggests that Gaelic players, are not meeting their nutritional requirements, particularly in relation to energy, carbohydrate and key micronutrients e.g. Read more

An investigation of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in a high fish-eating population and its association with reproductive health

  Research Group: Biomedical Sciences
Exposure to EDCs have significantly increased in recent years and may pose health risks when consumed as part of the diet. EDCs are ubiquitous and contact with these chemicals can occur through air, diet, skin and water. Read more

An investigation of the health impact of selenium across the lifespan - from pregnancy to older adulthood

  Research Group: Biomedical Sciences
This PhD project will explore the important role of selenium, a trace mineral that supports a range of health functions, from thyroid hormone production and DNA synthesis to fertility, brain function, and heart health.  Selenium is found in foods like fish, which also contain mercury, a neurotoxin. Read more

Maternal obesity and iron requirements in pregnancy and the postpartum.

  Research Group: Biomedical Sciences
Iron deficiency/anaemia (ID/IDA) in pregnancy is a serious public health issue globally, not only in low- and middle-income countries but also in high-income regions, where the prevalence of anemia is 16% in women of reproductive age and affects 1 in 4 in the UK. Read more