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We have 199 Fluid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students






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Fluid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 199 Fluid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

High-Pressure Hydrogen Micromix Combustion for Gas Turbines (MMX)

Context. To accelerate the energy transition and mitigate the effects of climate change, hydrogen combustion emerges as a sustainable alternative to hydrocarbons in industrial gas turbines. Read more

Climate resilient submerged infrastructure

Supervisory Team. Dr Gustavo de Almeida and Dr Sergio Maldonado. Fully funded PhD at the University of Southampton investigating novel design methods to improve submerged infrastructure resilience against currents and waves. Read more

PhD Studentship - Process Industries: Net Zero 3D Heat Pipe Technology

This PhD project will develop next generation 3D Heat Pipes, to maximise thermal transport efficiency within advanced electronics for space and terrestrial applications. Read more

Modelling advective-diffusive transport of gases in low permeability rocks

  Research Group: Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering
This is a joint PhD Studentship between Heriot-Watt University and The University of Edinburgh. Advective-diffusive transport in low permeability formations is important to understand the fate of gas leakage from subsurface storage sites. Read more

Mass transport and adsorption with a prospect of direct mineral extraction and use of artificial intelligence

These projects are open to students worldwide, but have no funding attached. Therefore, the successful applicant will be expected to fund tuition fees at the relevant level (home or international) and any applicable additional research costs. Read more

Multiscale investigation of corrosion deposition in high temperature high pressure water for nuclear power plants

Saturn_Nuclear_CDT. We are pleased to present an exciting PhD opportunity in collaboration with Rolls-Royce, providing a unique chance for candidates to participate in a multiscale investigation of corrosion deposition in high-temperature, high-pressure water for nuclear power plants. Read more

Fluid flow in porous media with application to CCUS and energy storage

These projects are open to students worldwide, but have no funding attached. Therefore, the successful applicant will be expected to fund tuition fees at the relevant level (home or international) and any applicable additional research costs. Read more

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