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We have 76 Genomics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students



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Genomics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

We have 76 Genomics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

Investigating the causes and consequences of R-loop dysregulation in cancer

  Research Group: Crossley Group
Project Reference. SW45073. Overview. Dr Magdalena Crossley wishes to recruit a PhD student to work on the project entitled. ‘Investigating the causes and consequences of R-loop dysregulation in cancer’. Read more

Evolutionary ecology and genetics of coevolution

A PhD-position in evolutionary ecology and genomics. is available in the research group of Dieter Ebert at the University of Basel in the Department of Environmental Sciences. Read more

Doctoral Researcher (m/f/div) in T-Cell Immunology

The Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (Leibniz-HKI) investigates the pathobiology of human-pathogenic fungi and identifies targets for the development of novel natural product-based antibiotics. Read more

Interaction of genetic and environmental drivers of metabolic and autoimmune disease

This project is one of 17 four year PhD Studentships funded by Medical Research Scotland (MRS) ( to be delivered jointly by the named University and External Partner Organisation (EPO). Read more

Investigating the role of DNA2 in DNA replication, genome stability, and human disease.

  Research Group: Genome Stability
DNA2 was first described three decades ago and has since been the subject of ever-increasing interest due to its essential requirement for cell proliferation and links to human disease. Read more

Mylnefield Trust Scholars: Bridging Genetics and Breeding: Advancing Marker-Assisted Selection in Potato

A unique opportunity has arisen for a highly motivated PhD student to be involved in a project that offers exciting scientific research opportunities in potato genetics and genomics, as well as the chance to translate these findings through state-of-the-art computational analysis into practical potato breeding. Read more

Physics-informed modelling of osteocytes network formation

Unlike common belief, our bones are alive, filled with cells, and constantly remodelling. Osteocytes are the most abundant cells of our skeleton that live buried in the mechanically hard bone matrix and are the master regulators of bone remodelling. Read more

The maintenance of centromeric stability

  Research Group: Genome Stability
This PhD project focuses on investigating how centromeres manage the delicate balance between beneficial and harmful DNA repair processes to maintain genomic stability. Read more

Enhancing Genome Editing Efficiency and Stability through Analysis of DNA Mobility Post-Double Strand Breaks

Applications are invited for a 3.5 year PhD studentship based within the MRC Toxicology Unit, University of Cambridge, with extended industry experience at AstraZeneca (Cambridge, UK). The student will be working on a collaborative project jointly supervised by Anne E. Read more

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