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We have 10 Geology (oceanography) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students






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Geology (oceanography) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

We have 10 Geology (oceanography) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

Last chance to apply

Groundwater under Antarctica: Ice sheets, Carbon and Oceanography (GAICO)

We invite applications from qualified and highly motivated students for 3.5-year PhD Studentships in the School of Earth & Environmental Sciences (SEES) at the University of St Andrews. Read more

Physical Limnology and Oceanography: hydrodynamical modelling of lakes

Title. PhD in Physical Limnology and Oceanography. Hydrodynamical modelling of lakes. Project Overview. We invite applications for a fully funded PhD studentship focusing on the hydrodynamical modelling of lakes, with a specific emphasis on Loch Ness, Scotland. Read more

Tracking ocean circulation in the Cretaceous ‘Chalk Sea’

Ocean circulation is a fundamental component of the modern climate system but may have operated very differently in the geological past, especially when palaeogeography was different, climates were much warmer and sea-levels were considerably higher. Read more
Last chance to apply

Unlocking Earth's volcanic record with novel computer vision approaches

We invite applications from qualified and highly motivated students for 3.5-year PhD Studentships in the School of Earth & Environmental Sciences (SEES) at the University of St Andrews. Read more

Science Research Opportunities at the University of East Anglia

UEA is a top tier, research-led university committed to making a substantial impact on global challenges facing society for over 50 years. Read more

Heat and liquid CO2-induced carbon alteration and cycling in a back-arc hydrothermal system

Overview. Hydrothermal systems in the Western Pacific are predomiantly associated with back-arc spreading. Among these, the Okinawa Trough stands out as one of the most extensively studied back-arc system globally. Read more
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