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We have 4 Biomechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Glasgow






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Biomechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Glasgow

We have 4 Biomechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Glasgow

Homogenized Modelling of a Poroelastic Cornea, Bacterial Invasion and Ulceration

In this project we will model the structure of the human cornea (transparent layer on the front of the eye) to understand the effects that the underlying microstructure has on the mechanical properties when the cornea is both healthy and when subject to damage and disease. Read more

PhD Opportunity - Developing novel, combined strategies for peripheral nerve repair

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Outline & aim. Peripheral nerve injuries are frequently seen following trauma or malignancy, with an incidence of 300000 cases in Europe following trauma alone. Read more

PhD Opportunity - Exploring the health benefits of e-bike use compared to traditional non-electric bike commuting

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Project Background. Our previous research has demonstrated that active commuting, particularly cycling, is associated with significant health advantages, such as a reduced risk of mortality and a lower likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. Read more

A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) investigation of endovascular aortic arch stent graft designs in relation to post-operative thrombus formation

Industry co-funded EPSRC PhD Studentship. An exciting opportunity for a fully-funded 42-month PhD studentship co-funded by a world-leading medical devices company and EPSRC is available at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. Read more
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