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We have 32 Neuroscience PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Glasgow



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Neuroscience PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Glasgow

We have 32 Neuroscience PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Glasgow

PhD Opportunity - Defining the sensory neuron response to nerve injury.

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. A PhD position is available in the Spinal Cord Group (SCG) at the University of Glasgow, researching the mammalian somatosensory nervous system. Read more

Turst Detection from Brain Signals in Human-AI Teaming

Are you passionate about the future of human-AI collaboration? Do you want to explore the intricate dynamics of trust between humans and artificial intelligence systems? We invite applications for a PhD position in the exciting field of trust detection from brain signals in human-AI teaming. Read more

Exploring Brain-Computer Interfaces and AI

Are you intrigued by the convergence of neuroscience and artificial intelligence? Are you passionate about unlocking the potential of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) to revolutionize human-computer interaction? We invite applications for a PhD position in the dynamic field of exploring brain-computer interfaces and AI. Read more

Exploring Generative AI, Memory, and Language Understanding

Are you fascinated by the interplay between artificial intelligence, memory mechanisms, and language comprehension? Do you aspire to push the boundaries of generative models and advance our understanding of human-like cognition? We invite applications for a PhD position in the innovative field of exploring generative AI, memory, and language understanding. Read more

Optoelectronic neural probes for in vivo manipulation of neural circuits

Optogenetics has become a powerful tool in neuroscience to study cortical circuit function. It relies on light sensitive proteins (opsins) that act as light switches, turning on or off specific populations of neurons in the brain. Read more

Human sensory neuron and macrophage co-culture; developing a model to test agents capable of disrupting painful neuroimmune signalling

TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE. Project Description. A fully funded four-year PhD position is available in the Weir lab at the University of Glasgow ( as part of a collaboration with Dr Franziska Denk (Co-supervisor- King’s College London). Read more

PhD Opportunity - Spinal cord neuronal pathways for pain and itch

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Project outline: The dorsal horn of the spinal cord plays an important role in processing sensory information that is perceived as pain and itch, but despite its importance we know little about the organisation of neural circuits in this region. Read more

PhD Opportunity - Investigating the effects of expectation on cortical feedback processing using fMRI

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Project background. Contextual information and prior knowledge facilitate the brain’s processing of our visual world, aiding in the recognition of distorted or obstructed visual inputs. Read more

PhD Opportunity - Does thalamic control of entorhinal cortex contribute to circuit mechanisms of memory consolidation?

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Project outline. Interactions between prefrontal cortex and brain regions such as hippocampus and entorhinal cortex are essential for processes such as working memory and decision-making. Read more

PhD Opportunity - Building a sense of direction: how do thalamus and cortex interact?

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Project background: The “sense of direction” is created by the brain in the form of head direction cells, which are neurons that become active when the had faces in a particular direction (a different direction for each cell). Read more

PhD Opportunity - A neuroanatomical study of spinal cord circuits in health and chronic pain states

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Project outline: Chronic (persistent) pain affects approximately 20% of the global population, however, one in three of these patients do not respond to any form of treatments that are currently available. Read more

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