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We have 151 Human Computer Interaction PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students



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Human Computer Interaction PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 151 Human Computer Interaction PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

Social Credit Systems to support Ecological Citizenship

We are seeking a PhDstudent who has interest in developing a digital framework and tools for social innovation at the intersection of sustainability, informatics and social and environmental justice. . Read more

Playing in the Past: Investigating User Experience Design in Historical Games

Historical Games continue to find critical and commercial success. Game series such as Assassin’s Creed, Red Dead Redemption, Total War, and Civilisation are amongst the most recognisable forms of popular history. Read more

Effective online and offline engagement for student societies, associations, and unions

Student societies have traditionally played key roles in higher education. bringing students together to help each other, to relax, follow interests, and learn skills in the process, as well as empowering students through representation in university committees and beyond (Loader et al. Read more

Innovating Mental Health Interventions with User-Centred Design and Generative AI

We are inviting applications for a PhD studentship which will align with Dr Slovak’s £1.9M UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. The PhD will work in a multi-disciplinary environment, be co-supervised by Prof Reuben Binns (Oxford), and have access to collaborators across KCL, Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, Harvard, UW, and University of Michigan (among others). Read more

Participatory auditing of AI assistants for article generation

Project start date. 1 June 2025. The successful candidate will contribute to the UKRI research project PHAWM (Participatory Harm Auditing Workbenches and Methodologies), a major project (with £3.5M of investment) involving 7 UK universities and 23 partner organisations. Read more

An investigation on human-AI interactions in complex food supply chains (Ref: LB25-UJ-AL-unfunded)

Are you passionate about sustainable technology and the transformative potential of AI in improving food supply chains?. This PhD project investigates how AI can be leveraged to reduce waste, enhance efficiency, and build resilience in food supply chains by enabling effective human-AI collaboration. Read more

Virtual acoustics system for car interior

Are you passionate about 3D-audio, acoustics, and signal processing? This collaborative project with automotive audio leader ASK Industries offers a unique opportunity to develop innovative spatial audio measurement and reproduction techniques, as well as design and implement a multi-channel loudspeaker system capable of reproducing the acoustics of a car interior. Read more

Artificial Intelligence for Virtual Characters in Computer Graphics and Computer Animation

Driving by the heavy demands from the games and animation industry, smart virtual characters underpinned by deep learning based artificial intelligence have received significant focus. Read more

Multisensory decision-making in the developing and aging human brain

Imagine driving your car on a rainy night. You see an object moving sideways towards you. Your visual information is ambiguous due to the poor light and rain, thus you may also try to hear any sound this object may be making to help you identify what it is and its exact trajectory. Read more

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