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We have 21 Industrial Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students






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Industrial Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students

We have 21 Industrial Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students

PhD in Chemistry: Alternative synthetic routes to FOX-7 and BITE-101: EPSRC IDLA PhD

The aim of the Industrial Doctoral Landscape Award (IDLA) PhD studentship, jointly sponsored by EPSRC and DSTL will be to develop microreactor technology for new flow electrochemical methods to solve current challenges in the synthesis of energetic materials, exemplified by the development of new synthetic routes towards FOX-7 and BITE-101. Read more

Advancing sensing technology for CCUS applications

  Research Group: CDT in Green Industrial Futures
This advert will close once a suitable candidate has been found. This PhD is one of a number of projects hosted by the Centre for Doctoral Training in Green Industrial Futures (CDT-GIF). Read more

PhD Studentship in Chemical Engineering

The Molecular Systems Engineering group (MSE) in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London, in collaboration with Eli Lilly and Company, has a fully-funded PhD studentship available for an October 2025 start. Read more

Deep Learning-based mechanistic elucidation of processes mediated by heterogeneous catalysts

Heterogeneous catalysis is essential in the chemical industry, but understanding its mechanisms is complex due to the limitations of traditional kinetic analysis, which often relies on simplifying approximations. Read more

Automated Approaches for Efficient, Scalable, and Sustainable Synthesis of Material Precursors

Organic ligands are the fundamental building blocks for multiple classes of materials, e.g., metal-organic frameworks, COFs, and molecular solids, influencing structure, properties, and providing functional handles for specific applications. Read more
Last chance to apply

Drop Dynamics: Impacts, Levitation, and Microstructured Surfaces

How can we control droplets as they land on surfaces, roll over, or spread across surfaces? Understanding and management of droplet dynamics are of critical and increasing importance due to their relevance in areas such as climate physics, disease transmission, food production, and heat transfer technologies. Read more

Fanger Comfort Model: Still fit for purpose?

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Fanger’s comfort modelis is used to set internal temperatures based upon the activity and clothing of humans. It has been in use since the 1960s. Read more

Fire Code Design Development for Precast Cladding Façade System.

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
In a situation where the PCSPF is exposed to fire, the insulation layer should first ensure the thermal protection of the load-bearing layer, stay firm during the fire, and not contribute to fire spread. Read more

Fire Dynamics, Material Flammability and Computer Modelling of Fire Phenomena

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Fire dynamics and material flammability are important research areas within fire safety engineering (FSE) in identifying and understanding the mechanisms related to the degradation, ignition and burning of materials and subsequent the fire spread and development with the ultimate goal to improve fire safety (people and structure) in buildings and other spaces. Read more

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