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We have 4 Computer Graphics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Leeds



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Computer Graphics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Leeds

We have 4 Computer Graphics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Leeds

Mesoscale Representations of Geometry and Structure for Real-Time Rendering

  Research Group: School of Computing
Project. Modelling complex structures at the interface between macro- and microscale in real-time computer graphics. Computer Graphics conceptually uses two fundamental models on different scales. Read more

Bandwidth reduction using perceptual rendering

  Research Group: School of Computing
The human visual system (HVS) is much more complex than what we simulate when rendering graphics to a virtual eye. The way humans perceive the world is related not only to the structure of the eye, but also with how our brain interprets the signals it receives. Read more

Responsible AI and Digital Twins for Sustainable Biodiversity Net Gain

The increasing generation, adoption and deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that could impact humanity, heritage and environment raise continuously interests and also concerns from general public, regulatory bodies, governments, industries and scientists. Read more

Responsible AI and Digital Twins for Sustainable Heritage

The increasing generation, adoption and deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that could impact humanity, heritage and environment raise continuously interests and also concerns from general public, regulatory bodies, governments, industries and scientists. Read more
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