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We have 10 Machine Learning PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students in Leeds



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Machine Learning PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students in Leeds

We have 10 Machine Learning PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students in Leeds

Medical image synthesis using generative machine learning models for testing public health hypotheses related to ischemic stroke risk

  Research Group: School of Computing
Generative AI is increasingly being applied in medical imaging to enhance the quality of collected images or to extend imaging studies to include modalities that would otherwise be impossible to obtain. Read more

High-level Pattern-aware Parallel Software Development

  Research Group: School of Computing
This PhD project tackles a critical challenge in modern computing - how to enable software developers to write, optimise, and debug code for increasingly complex parallel hardware. Read more

Predictive design of drug co-crystals through correlative studies of inter-molecular interactions

  Research Group: School of Chemical and Process Engineering
This interdisciplinary project presents an exciting opportunity for an ambitious scientist or engineer to work across the boundaries of chemistry, physics and engineering, with opportunities to develop a broad portfolio of skills. Read more

NERC UNRISK Centre for Doctoral Training in Understanding Uncertainty to Reduce Climate Risks

The UNRISK CDT is a consortium of the University of Leeds, University College London and the University of Exeter with over forty collaborative partners across climate services, including operational centres, consultancies, financial organisations, the public sector and charities. Read more

Multisensory decision-making in the developing and aging human brain

Imagine driving your car on a rainy night. You see an object moving sideways towards you. Your visual information is ambiguous due to the poor light and rain, thus you may also try to hear any sound this object may be making to help you identify what it is and its exact trajectory. Read more

Multisensory decision-making in the developing and aging human brain

Imagine driving your car on a rainy night. You see an object moving sideways towards you. Your visual information is ambiguous due to the poor light and rain, thus you may also try to hear any sound this object may be making to help you identify what it is and its exact trajectory. Read more

Robotic manipulation of deformable objects by leveraging physical rules

  Research Group: School of Computing
In everyday life, manipulating deformable objects is a common task, such as folding and unfolding clothes or towels and cleaning plates with sponges. Read more
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