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We have 77 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK) in Leicester



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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK) in Leicester

We have 77 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK) in Leicester

Evaluation of two digital health interventions for people with long term conditions

The Leicester Lifestyle and Health Research Group (LLHRG). Background. There has been an increasing interest in the use of digital health lifestyle interventions for people at risk and with long term health conditions. Read more

Ethnic differences in response to breaking sitting behaviour: harnessing the proteome for new mechanistic insights.

The Leicester Lifestyle and Health Research Group (LLHRG). Project Highlights: . 1.  Application of mass spectrometry to identify the expression of proteins that differ between white Europeans and South Asians in response to breaking prolonged sitting time. Read more

The role of 24-h health related behaviours in student health

The Leicester Lifestyle and Health Research Group (LLHRG). Project. Aim. To establish the Study Health Project at the University of Leicester and determine the role of 24h health-related behaviours in student health and wellbeing. Read more

Physical activity, circadian rhythms and health outcomes: Optimising the response using a personalised approach

The Leicester Lifestyle and Health Research Group (LLHRG). Aim: To evaluate the timing and intensity of physical activity in accordance with the circadian rhythm on health outcomes in individuals living with and without type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Read more

Evaluating the ethnic differences of physical activity on blood glucose

The Leicester Lifestyle and Health Research Group (LLHRG). Aim. To develop an algorithm to recommend duration and intensity of exercise to respond to raised glucose levels in people with diabetes. Read more

The role of exercise in the management of gestational diabetes mellitus

The Leicester Lifestyle and Health Research Group (LLHRG). Aim. This research program aims to investigate the impact of exercise on the management and outcomes of gestational diabetes, focusing on metabolic, physiological, and psychological aspects for both the mother and the fetus. . Read more

Human Activity Recognition using Self-supervised learning AI Architectures for Wearable Accelerometers in Free-Living Scenarios

The Leicester Lifestyle and Health Research Group (LLHRG). Project Highlights: . 1.  Development of AI for automated labelling of free-living data from wearable accelerometers according to learnt behavioural profiles. Read more