Join the Polymer Group at Department of Materials Loughborough University, one of the UK’s top institutions renowned for its excellence in research and teaching, as well as its global reputation in sports science and engineering. Read more
Modern society is heavily dependent on the ubiquitous use of plastics. Global production of synthetic polymers derived from non-renewable petroleum feedstocks exceeds 350 million tonnes per annum. Read more
The complexity of formulating liquid products such as paints and coatings prevent a fast response to external factors such as raw material supply disruption, rise in energy costs, or the need for more sustainable formulations. Read more
There is a growing effort to replace oil-derived products with new, sustainable, and eco-friendly materials. Lightweight materials made from natural fibres could contribute to this transformation, provided they can meet the performance standards of current materials. Read more
The production of primary steel and aluminium uses a huge amount of resources and causes significant environmental damage, leading to a large effort to recycle these high-value alloys. Read more
Using captured carbon dioxide and clean hydrogen will play a critical part in creating a sustainable future for the energy and chemical industry. Read more
Food packaging plays an essential role in containing, portioning and protecting food products against contamination, reducing food waste and associated emissions. Read more
Applications are invited to undertake a 3-year PhD programme to explore new laser surface engineering methods for functionalising the electrochemical performance of solid-state batteries. Read more
Finite element models are used to predict the vibration characteristics of aircraft and automotive vehicles. A large and complex model can be generated to determine the level of vibration which can be transmitted from one area to another. Read more
Coatings are used for a wide range of applications with formulations developed or adapted according to the needs specific to the surfaces they are used on- smoothness, brightness, scratch resistance are among these. Read more
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