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We have 38 Other PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Leicester



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Other PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Leicester

We have 38 Other PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Leicester

Intersectionality in the design and delivery of digital mental health services for disadvantaged populations (Ref: LB25-AA-Funded)

As digital mental health services continue to expand, their potential to address unmet mental health needs is undeniable. However, their design and delivery must account for the diverse social identities that shape individuals' experiences and access to care. Read more
Last chance to apply

Agricultural Robot navigation in complex farm and rugged terrain environments using Deep Reinforcement Learning AI (Ref: AACME-24-037)

With increasing global food demands, reducing chemicals and water usage in agriculture is essential. From a UK perspective, climate change and Brexit are the most immediate problems we face in agriculture, with early ripening, and lack of access to seasonal labour being the largest issues. Read more

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