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We have 4 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Lincoln



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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Lincoln

We have 4 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Lincoln

Learning from children and young people with complex needs about their experiences of trauma informed care: What works and why? (in collaboration with Lincolnshire Children and Young People’s (CYP) Complex Needs Service (CNS))

Since December 2023 the University of Lincoln have worked closely with Lincolnshire’s Children and Young People’s Complex Needs Service (CYPCNS) establishing strong links through a multi-phase evaluation project informing local policies and practice with potential for broader policy impacts. Read more

Get paid to do postgraduate study! South and East Network for Social Sciences (SENSS) funding

The South and East Network for Social Sciences (SENSS) offers funding of up to £21,000 per year for you to undertake postgraduate studies, starting in October 2025. Read more

SENSS Collaborative Studentship Competition

What is a SENSS collaborative studentship?. You will join an expert team of leading social scientists and an external partner (from industry, government, or an NGO, in the UK or abroad) who have already developed and defined a research project. Read more
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