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We have 11 Immunology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Liverpool



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Immunology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Liverpool

We have 11 Immunology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Liverpool

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Deciphering mechanisms of host-to-host transmission in pathogenesis of pneumococcal disease

The major human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is the main cause of pneumonia and meningitis worldwide and despite the global implementation of vaccine programmes, the burden of pneumococcal disease remains unacceptably high, especially in low-income countries. Read more

BBSRC NWD CASE: The role of co-infections in modulating anti-nematode immune responses

Background. Animals are normally infected with parasitic nematodes, that cause harm to hosts. Nematodes infect a quarter of the world’s human population and are ubiquitous parasites of livestock leading to production losses. Read more

Vaccine development for important spirochaetal diseases of cattle.

*Bovine digital dermatitis (DD) is a severe, infectious, foot skin disease affecting cattle worldwide. This disease causes severe pain resulting in ruminant lameness and impacts animal welfare. Read more

Investigating how tumour associated macrophages affect cancer metastasis and response to therapies

Solid tumours are generally highly infiltrated by macrophages. Macrophages are heterogeneous and different populations with different and sometimes even opposite functions co-exist in tumours affecting cancer progression. Read more
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