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We have 19 Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Liverpool






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Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Liverpool

We have 19 Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Liverpool

Precise predictions for lepton scattering experiments

Particle physics experiments involving leptons are among the most precise experiments in all of science. They can be used to stress-test the Standard Model of Particle Physics at many different energy scales if the underlying processes are sufficiently well understood. Read more

Large Language Models for Explainable and Scalable Radio Galaxy Classification

Large Language Models for Explainable and Scalable Radio Galaxy Classification. Anticipated start date. September 2025. Note: Subject to funding via The Liverpool Centre for Doctoral Training for Innovation in Data Intensive Science (LIV.INNO). Read more

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fusion Power

Why join us?. ● Fully funded 4-year PhD research studentships. ● A six month training programme of taught modules in fusion energy, including materials and plasma science. Read more

Realization of a Cherenkov-Diffraction Radiation based Outcoupling Scheme for Beam Diagnostic Applications

Radiation generated by high-energy particle beams is extensively used for beam diagnostics. This radiation originates from the electromagnetic field bound to the charged particle, which separates from the particle itself. Read more

A dive into tropical waters: understanding the mechanisms of sea surface temperature patterns that drive global climate and weather

Sea surface temperature patterns in tropical oceans influence climate and weather around the globe. The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO, 1, 2) in the Pacific and its teleconnections drive rainfall patterns nearby and far, as well as influences the occurrence of Marine Heat Waves in remote areas. Read more

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