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We have 4 Dentistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in London






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Dentistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in London

We have 4 Dentistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in London

Postgraduate Research Opportunities at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

To deliver our research strategy of ‘Better Health for All' and our aspiration to train the research leaders of the future, the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (top 10% faculties of medicine in the world, QS2022) has opened opportunities for self-funded PhD students in multiple areas of biomedical and translational research across six internationally recognised Research Institutes. Read more

Multimodal Machine Learning for Healthcare

Multimodal Machine Learning for Healthcare. One fully funded UK/international PhD studentship available in the broad area of statistical machine learning, with a desirable focus on multimodal large language models, uncertainty-aware AI, and/or 3D images. Read more

Early life factors and childhood oral health

Background:  . A life course approach to chronic disease epidemiology recognises how exposures across the lifespan of individuals influence their disease risk and health later in life. Read more
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