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We have 4 Geographical Information Systems Gis PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in London






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Geographical Information Systems Gis PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in London

We have 4 Geographical Information Systems Gis PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in London

Mapping solar PV potential for existing buildings stocks in the UK by deep learning of satellite and aerial images data

Project Abstract. We are seeking an ambitious PhD candidate to join a cutting-edge research project aiming to map the solar photovoltaic (PV) potential for existing building stocks in the UK through the application of deep learning on satellite and aerial image data. Read more

Evaluating the meaning and distribution of ‘Tree Equity’ in Surrey: An interdisciplinary approach

Having access to trees reduces respiratory illness and improves mental health and well-being (Pataki et al 2021). Tress also provide protection from climate extremes such as flooding and heatwaves (Leets et al 2022). Read more
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