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We have 68 Biochemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Manchester



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Biochemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Manchester

We have 68 Biochemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Manchester

(BBSRC NWD) Harnessing organic catalysts for precision interaction mapping in ubiquitin-like systems

This PhD project focuses on the development and application of innovative tools to achieve high-resolution mapping of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) within ubiquitin-like protein (UBL) systems, addressing a critical gap in understanding cellular signalling. Read more

Identification and structural analysis of transient interactions in supra-molecular complexes involved in protein synthesis

The aim of this project is to understand the dynamic interactions in the mechanism and control of protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells at the molecular level using hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS), and particularly the role of the eukaryotic translation initiation factors eIF2, eIF5 and eIF2B[1,2]. Read more

Chaperones and the response to protein misfolding stress

Misfolded proteins are usually refolded to their functional conformations or degraded by quality control mechanisms. When misfolded proteins evade quality control, they form aggregates that are sequestered to specific sites within cells. Read more

Using genomic technologies to determine circadian regulation of psoriasis (Sep 25 entry)

Circadian control of inflammation is emerging as an exciting field, with immediate translation potential. Psoriasis represents a model of immune-mediated inflammation in which the pathology is accessible and amenable to serial investigation. Read more

(BBSRC NWD) Environmental C-F/C-Cl remediation by heme mono-oxygenases and peroxidases.

A PhD studentship is available for an outstanding and ambitious chemist to undertake research in the field of green chemistry, biotechnology, and metalloenzyme mechanism in a collaborative project between Drs Jack Rowbotham, Sam de Visser and Derren Heyes (Manchester Institute of Biotechnology) at the University of Manchester. Read more

(BBSRC NWD) Developing biomaterials to engineer how cancer cells sense force to regulate gene expression

Overview . This project seeks to develop material engineering approaches to model and understand the mechanisms by which force is transmitted from the extracellular microenvironment into the nucleus to regulate gene expression. . Read more

(BBSRC NWD) Structural analysis of protein molecular machines and transient states involved in regulation of protein synthesis

We aim to determine the molecular basis of key steps in protein synthesis and its control in eukaryotes, using advanced structural biology methods.  Regulation of the initiation steps for protein synthesis in eukaryotes is central to the integrated stress response, a fundamental survival mechanism present in all eukaryotes. Read more

Defining the role of glycation in extracellular matrix damage in ageing and diabetic skin

In skin, long-lived extracellular matrix (ECM) components in the dermis undergo a form of ageing where damage is accumulated to their protein structures by mechanisms such as glycation, photo-oxidation and protease cleavage, leading to profound changes in tissue architecture and function. Read more

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