The successful PhD student will be co-supervised and work alongside our external partner Marine Directorate Scotland. This studentship is open to students worldwide *please see funding notes below. Read more
The successful PhD student will be co-supervised and work alongside our external partner Natural England. This studentship is open to students worldwide *please see funding notes below. Read more
Applications are invited for a 3.5 years PhD studentship with the University of Plymouth and the Ocean Conservation Trust’s National Marine Aquarium. Read more
A 400 kyr cycle in the carbon cycle has been observed over much of Earth history but has never been rationalised and understood. One of the curious aspects of e.g. Read more
Lead supervisor: Dr T Tonon. Co-supervisors: Prof Luke Mackinder and Dr Gillian Taylor, Teesside University. The student will be registered with the Department of Biology (University of York). Read more
This fully funded PhD project is part of the QUARTILES Doctoral Landscape Award, a BBSRC and NERC-funded research and training programme designed to equip… Read more
Palmitvaccenic acid (16:1Δ11, PVA) is a fatty acid produced by organisms belonging to three distinct phylogenetic groups. microalgae, insects, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Read more
Crustacean diseases cause economic damage to industry and the environment. Billions are lost on a yearly basis due to disease in crustacean aquaculture and, in wild systems, crustaceans commonly introduce disease-causing microbes as biological invaders. Read more
This project aims to understand the factors responsible for the extraordinary diversity in the shape and size of fish ears and why some fishes are more sensitive to sound than others, which is poorly understood. Read more
*Offer only available for the duration of your active subscription, and subject to change. You MUST claim your prize within 72 hours, if not we will redraw.
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