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We have 34 Medical Statistics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students






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Medical Statistics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 34 Medical Statistics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

Utilising statistical principles to improve design and analysis of laboratory experiments

We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated PhD student to join our team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. The candidate will work closely with researchers who have extensive expertise in gene expression measurement techniques (such as qPCR and RNA-Seq), data analysis, and statistics.  . Read more

+3.5 Year Funded PhD in Social Epidemiology

Applications are sought for a 3.5-year PhD studentship to investigate pathways to employment and the influence of different educational pathways on social mobility and wellbeing outcomes using mixed-methods. Read more

Remote patient monitoring using wearable devices and AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated various aspects of modern life, significantly influencing the healthcare sector. Fuelled by this momentum, remote patient monitoring facilitated by mobile sensing technology is on the way to changing how patients are monitored and treated. Read more

Multimodal stratification of severe mental illness in the Brain & Genomics Hub of the UK Mental Health Platform

Schizophrenia (SZ), bipolar disorder (BD), and schizoaffective disorder (SAD) are the archetypal severe mental illnesses (SMIs) and place an enormous burden on individuals, their carers and wider society. Read more

PhD Studentship - Clinically unrecognised dementia with Lewy bodies: what are the causes, consequences, and opportunities?

Award Summary. 100% of home tuition fees paid and an annual stipend (living expenses) of £20,500. Additional funding will support research visits, attendance at national/international conferences, and training. . Read more

The University of Manchester - Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics at Manchester is one of the largest Mathematics Departments in the UK and has been home to some of the brightest postgraduate and academic mathematicians. Read more
Last chance to apply

Epidemiological analyses of longevity of career in jumping horses

Background. The group you would join has worked with the FEI for a number of years using data-driven analysis to inform policy changes aimed at maximizing the welfare of the sports horse. Read more

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