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We have 16 Biomedical Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Newcastle






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Biomedical Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Newcastle

We have 16 Biomedical Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Newcastle

Bionic Vision

This PhD is an opportunity to take part in research into advanced neuroprosthetic solutions to bringing sight back to the blind (i.e. Read more

Microneedle biosensors for rapid and painless disease diagnosis

This project aims to develop rapid disease diagnostics based on transdermal microneedle biosensors. Disease diagnosis often relies on invasive tissue sampling techniques, such as blood sampling or skin biopsies, in order to extract biomarkers for analysis. Read more

Explainable AI for Digital Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence plays a key role in transforming digital healthcare by enabling precision medicine and enhancing patient-centred care. Read more

Investigating the gut immune response in IBD related to mucus integrity and permeability using microfluidics

The gut microbiota (GM) plays a key role in human health due to its interaction with the immune system, influencing its maturation and modulation, consequently, dysbiosis may cause immune deregulation resulting in autoimmune and/or inflammatory diseases. Read more

Next-Generation Lateral Flow Assays for Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis

The early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases is crucial for improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. Current gold-standard diagnostics are costly and slow, relying on lab-based immunoassays that require sophisticated equipment and trained technicians. Read more

Causal AI for Proactive Self-healthcare

With the aid of novel digital technologies, self-healthcare has changed the current healthcare practice in several ways such as easy access, less communication burden to Health Centres and reduced workload of health carers [1]. Read more

Bioelectronic materials

Biodegradable materials are an ideal starting point for implanting in the body because their removal takes place gradually and naturally over time after the implant has served its useful purpose. Read more

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