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We have 4 Offshore Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Newcastle






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Offshore Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Newcastle

We have 4 Offshore Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Newcastle

Investigation of thermal properties of soils for offshore wind power cable design

The offshore wind industry is growing exponentially to meet climate change and energy transition goals. Power is transmitted to shore via cables trenched into the seabed. Read more

Future marine vehicles: bioinspired solutions for energy efficiency, advanced operation and autonomous

Marine, Offshore and Subsea Technology (MOST) is an international recognised discipline in Newcastle with a successful track record delivering research projects powered by world leading research facilities, including the Emerson Cavitation Tunnel, the Princess Royal research vessel, the fully turbulent flow channel, the towing tank and the combined wind, wave and current tank. Read more

Optimization and Control of Hybrid Microgrids with Renewable Energy Integration (RDF25/EE/MPEE/LIU)

Are you interested in helping accelerate the UK government’s ambition to reaching Net Zero by 2050? Here is an excellent opportunity to explore potential microgrid control strategies for increasing the connection of renewable energy within local distribution grids, as well as enhancing network resilience. Read more

Eco-Creative Nature-Inspired Renewable Energy Extraction

Natural mechanical power from steady water flows in oceans and rivers can provide an alternative and abundant source of cheap and clean energy, in addition to the renewable energy from winds, waves and sun. Read more
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