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We have 5 History & Archaeology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK) in Nottingham



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History & Archaeology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK) in Nottingham

We have 5 History & Archaeology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK) in Nottingham

Last chance to apply

Nature-based urban renewal: the case of Nottingham’s Green Heart

Project ID. SS_7. Theme: Safety and Sustainability. The ambition of this PhD scholarship is to understand how nature-based urban recovery processes emerge in ordinary cities, and what their contribution is to sustainable and liveable urban futures with potential co-benefits for people, places and nature. Read more
Last chance to apply

AI & the Art of Conversation: Creating an AI Discussion Partner for Contemporary Art Gallery Visitors with Sight Loss

Project ID. DTC_3. Theme. Digital, Technology, and Creative. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has an ongoing role to play in making art galleries and museums more accessible and socially inclusive. Read more
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