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We have 177 Organic Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students






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Organic Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

We have 177 Organic Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

PhD in Chemistry: Studies in heterogeneous catalysts

The Max Planck Centre for fundamental studies on heterogeneous catalyst was established in 2019 and has two themes operating on experimental heterogeneous catalysis; namely catalyst design and acetylene chemistry. Read more

PhD in Chemistry: New catalysts for acetylene processes enabling a sustainable future

Chemical industry produces tens of thousands of chemical intermediates and products that are essential components of polymers, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fragrances, paints, and more, elevating the overall quality and length of human life across the globe. Read more

Deep Learning-based mechanistic elucidation of processes mediated by heterogeneous catalysts

Heterogeneous catalysis is essential in the chemical industry, but understanding its mechanisms is complex due to the limitations of traditional kinetic analysis, which often relies on simplifying approximations. Read more

P8. Computational Design of Macrocycle Compounds (CSHP CDT)

Macrocyclic compounds have emerged as a promising alternative to small molecules against difficult-to-treat targets. However, challenges in their synthesis, in particular with regards to cyclisation have hindered further discovery. Read more

P22. CO2 and Bio-derived Oxygenated Polymers to Reduce Adhesives Carbon Footprint (CSHP CDT)

Adhesives play a critical role in many technologies from construction, transportation, electronics to consumer goods. There are growing environmental concerns, legislation and customer pressure to deliver more sustainable adhesives and to ensure they maximise recycling of other components. Read more

P21. Radical polar crossover from the triplet state (CSHP CDT)

New reaction manifolds are valuable for the synthesis of complex molecules. This project will focus on the development of radical-polar crossover reactions by employing visible light mediated energy transfer catalysis to generate complex three-dimensional heterocyclic scaffolds. Read more

P2. New applications of thiophene-S,S-dioxides in sustainable synthesis (CSHP CDT)

Thiophene S,S-dioxides (TDOs) are convenient but underutilised building blocks in organic chemistry. This project will seek to develop new applications of TDOs in sustainable chemical synthesis. Read more

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