Project ID. SS_18. Theme: Safety and Sustainability. A PhD scholarship is available at Nottingham Trent University to develop, using 2D and 3D image processing and AI, algorithms and software that can be used to assess the Carbon footprint of buildings and life-cycle analysis. Read more
During this prolonged period of neo-liberal development our discourse in the West has become fragmented between a growing concern for climate change/sustainability and a continued need to promote intensive growth and prioritise the needs of capital. Read more
Project Abstract. We are seeking an ambitious PhD candidate to join a cutting-edge research project aiming to map the solar photovoltaic (PV) potential for existing building stocks in the UK through the application of deep learning on satellite and aerial image data. Read more
Challenges facing the sustainability impact of concrete in 21st century construction includes unsustainable Embodied CO2 (ECO2) with over-reliance of natural aggregate that contribute to diverse anthropogenic effects. Read more
The construction sector has seen a high share of energy-related carbon emissions globally due to building operation, posing a great threat to achieving net zero carbon targets by 2050. Read more
Having access to trees reduces respiratory illness and improves mental health and well-being (Pataki et al 2021). Tress also provide protection from climate extremes such as flooding and heatwaves (Leets et al 2022). Read more
Cities can play a relevant role in reducing GHG emissions. Scholars agree that in general terms compacter cities are responsible for lower emissions of GHG per capita and spare soil. Read more
According to a rigorously Morphotypological and therefore non-stylistic approach, the research project aims to investigate the "New Towns" phenomenon developed during the massive urban expansion in China outlined by the 10th Five-Year Plan. Read more
The research aims to develop a holistic set of policy recommendations to eliminate the identified barriers and improve regional collaboration implementation in China, with a concrete example of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD). Read more
Founded in 1796 as a ‘place of useful learning' the University of Strathclyde is a leading technological University based in the heart of Glasgow. Read more
Our inclusive research institute focuses on the development and application of appropriate technologies, person-centred systems and evidence-based policies and laws in order to empower people across their life course and enhance their quality of life. Read more
The Hamilton Institute is a multidisciplinary research institute that builds bridges between mathematics and its applications in communications, networks, artificial intelligence, biology and other disciplines. Read more
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