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We have 84 Other PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students



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Other PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students

We have 84 Other PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students

Assessment of Flame Retardant Exposure Pathways in Households in the UK

Flame retardants (FRs) are a diverse group of chemicals widely used since the 1970s in consumer products like furniture, textiles, electronics, and building materials to reduce flammability. Read more

Join a world-leading, joint PhD program with a generous scholarship

The UQ–IITD Academy of Research is seeking applications from exceptional candidates with backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, health, business, humanities and social sciences, for projects commencing in January 2025. Read more

COCO-VOC studentship: Sniffing organic gases emitted from atmospheric particulates and understanding their importance

Scientific background. The surface oceans are both a source and sink of a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In the marine atmosphere, these gases react with hydroxyl radicals (OH) and determine the reactivity of the atmosphere. Read more

COCO-VOC studentship: Sniffing organic gases emitted from atmospheric particulates and understanding their importance

Scientific background. The surface oceans are both a source and sink of a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In the marine atmosphere, these gases react with hydroxyl radicals (OH) and determine the reactivity of the atmosphere. Read more

How Do Retrofitting Practices Transform the Lives and Environmental Conditions of Racialised and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Communities?

Applications are invited for a three-year collaborative PhD studentship to investigate how retrofitting practices interventions in homes shape the lived experiences, health, and environmental conditions of racialised and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities, with a particular focus on air pollution, damp, mould, and health inequalities. Read more

Westerly winds-overturning oceans

We invite applications from qualified and highly motivated students for 3.5-year PhD Studentships in the School of Earth & Environmental Sciences (SEES) at the University of St Andrews. Read more

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