We have 34 Other PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students



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Other PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

We have 34 Other PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

ESRC & AHRC PhD Studentships 2024/25

Keele University is accepting expressions of interest for funded studentships through the Economic and Social Sciences Research Council (ESRC) and Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) for September 2025. Read more

Measurement of mental health in ethnically and geographically diverse populations

Many tools to assess mental health were developed based on behaviours and feelings in white western populations. 18% of the UK population belong to Black, Asian, mixed, or other ethnic groups, and more than 80% of people who have mental health disorders live in a low- or middle-income country. Read more

Examining risk factors for cognitive dysfunction in serious mental illness

Cognitive problems (e.g., impaired memory/attention) are a core yet often overlooked feature of serious mental illness (SMI). Currently, little is known about what contributes to the development of these problems and who is most at risk of experiencing them. Read more

Establishing the needs of a holistic lifestyle intervention for patients on haemodialysis

Patients with end stage kidney disease receiving haemodialysis treatment have the highest rates of mortality, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and symptom burden across all of the stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Read more

Explainable AI to ensure trust in clinical Decision Support Systems (ExAIDSS)

Technological breakthroughs have led to the development of sophisticated healthcare systems, but these will only become widely adopted if patients and healthcare professionals have confidence in their recommendations. Read more

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