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We have 18 Environmental Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students in Oxford



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Environmental Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students in Oxford

We have 18 Environmental Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students in Oxford

BBSRC-NERC funded ‘Interdisciplinary Life and Environmental Science Landscape Award’ (ILESLA) PhD studentship opportunities

The Open University has partnered with the University of Oxford (lead university), Oxford Brookes University, The Pirbright Institute, Diamond Light Source, and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source to launch the BBSRC-NERC funded Interdisciplinary Life and Environmental Science Landscape Award (ILESLA). Read more

BBSRC-NERC funded ‘Interdisciplinary Life and Environmental Science Landscape Award’ (ILESLA) PhD studentship opportunities

The Open University has partnered with the University of Oxford (lead university), Oxford Brookes University, The Pirbright Institute, Diamond Light Source, and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source to launch the BBSRC-NERC funded Interdisciplinary Life and Environmental Science Landscape Award (ILESLA). Read more

Hidden Ocean Forests: Understanding the Ecological and Physiological Properties of Phytoplankton in Subsurface Layers

Satellite sensors have provided an unprecedented view of changes in phytoplankton chlorophyll in the surface ocean. Yet in many ocean regions, from the poles to the tropics, the maximum concentration of chlorophyll occurs at depths which are invisible to earth-orbiting satellites. Read more

Fate of past submarine volcanic input to the ocean

Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) are extremely large volumes of extrusive igneous rock, created during relatively short-lived volcanic events during the Phanerozoic, often coinciding with major environmental (e.g., Cenozoic hyperthermals and Mesozoic oceanic anoxic events or OAEs) and biotic change (e.g., mass extinctions). Read more

Towards a holistic understanding of carbonate mineralisation controls

Calcium-carbonates (CaCO. 3. ) are climate-controlling minerals, acting as long-term sinks in the biogeochemical carbon cycle, and playing the role of stable carbon stores in many carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) technologies. Read more

Draw down of volcanic CO2 as a mechanism of climate recovery following periods of enhanced volcanism in Earth’s geological past

Large igneous provinces (LIPs) have been linked with major disruptions of Earth’s climate system. These include four of the five major mass extinctions of the Phanerozoic and widespread episodes of environmental change during Ocean Anoxic Events (OAE). Read more

EPSRC CDT in Developing National Capability for Materials 4.0, with the Henry Royce Institute

Right now, our society faces huge, urgent challenges. From the imperative to achieve net-zero, to the need to build a resilient, circular economy in an uncertain world, to the drive for increased productivity as our fellow nations embrace the digital revolution. Read more

Tracking ocean circulation in the Cretaceous ‘Chalk Sea’

Ocean circulation is a fundamental component of the modern climate system but may have operated very differently in the geological past, especially when palaeogeography was different, climates were much warmer and sea-levels were considerably higher. Read more

Retreating glaciers and carbon-cycle feedbacks

Ongoing climate change is causing profound change to the cryosphere. In particular, rising temperatures and changing ice-melt and precipitation patterns drive glacier retreat, exposing new land surfaces to the atmosphere and changing the pathways and residence times of water beneath glacial systems (Moon et al., 2018). Read more

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