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We have 20 Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Oxford






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Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Oxford

We have 20 Physics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Oxford

Hidden Ocean Forests: Understanding the Ecological and Physiological Properties of Phytoplankton in Subsurface Layers

Satellite sensors have provided an unprecedented view of changes in phytoplankton chlorophyll in the surface ocean. Yet in many ocean regions, from the poles to the tropics, the maximum concentration of chlorophyll occurs at depths which are invisible to earth-orbiting satellites. Read more

Early Earth Magnetism: Exploring the role of Earth’s magnetic field in atmospheric evolution

Earth’s magnetic field is often included as a key planetary property for its habitability. This is because it is thought to protect Earth’s surface from harmful cosmic radiation, and prevents the atmosphere from being eroded by the solar wind1. Read more

PhD studentship scheme at The Rosalind Franklin Institute

We are recruiting open-minded students from any scientific, mathematical, engineering or computing discipline to work on the develo0pment of instruments across our Themes. Read more

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