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We have 5 Space Science PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Oxford






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Space Science PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Oxford

We have 5 Space Science PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Oxford

Tidal dissipation, magmatism and mantle convection on Io

Intense magmatism and volcanism in Jupiter’s moon Io is driven by tidal heating. Magmatic segregation from the mantle and heat-piping across the crust exports the tidal heat to space, maintaining a thermal equilibrium. Read more

Early Earth Magnetism: Exploring the role of Earth’s magnetic field in atmospheric evolution

Earth’s magnetic field is often included as a key planetary property for its habitability. This is because it is thought to protect Earth’s surface from harmful cosmic radiation, and prevents the atmosphere from being eroded by the solar wind1. Read more
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