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We have 11 Palaeontology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students






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Palaeontology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 11 Palaeontology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

The meiofauna frontier: pushing the limits of computed tomography in invertebrate morphology and systematics

One of Earth’s great remaining frontiers of animal biodiversity can be found in the communities of invertebrates living in the interstices of aquatic sediments and soils (Swedmark, 1964), in the so-called “meiofauna” (animals <1 mm). Read more

Protein specific mineralisation and exceptional fossils

Exceptionally preserved fossil assemblages that preserve not only the biomineralised tissues of organisms but also their soft parts, including internal organs, are critical for interpreting the history of life on our planet. Read more

Integrating living species and the fossil record to unravel cnidarian evolution

Cnidarians are a familiar animal group that encompasses jellyfish (Medusozoa) and corals and anemones (Anthozoa). They are an ancient group and have colonised the pelagic, benthic and freshwater realms since their first appearance more than half a billion years ago. Read more

Disentangling extinction risk in deep time

Determining the species most vulnerable to extinction is key to understanding the drivers of macroevolutionary patterns, and to building accurate projections for biodiversity in the face of accelerated loss today. Read more

PhD in Evaluating the Influence of Tangible 3D Printed Replicas on the Museum Experience

The University of Warwick, and Oxford University Museum of Natural History, are pleased to announce the availability of a fully-funded four-year (full-time) doctoral grant under the AHRC’s Collaborative Doctoral Partnership Scheme. Read more

How did species originate, evolve and go extinct across the vertebrate tree of life?

Project Overview. The tree of life underpins our understanding of all aspects of biodiversity past, present and future. Not only does it describe how species are related to each other, but it also documents the evolutionary history of life on Earth. Read more
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