As particle accelerators play an ever-expanding role in advancing scientific knowledge, there is a growing imperative to make their operations more sustainable. Read more
Radiation generated by high-energy particle beams is extensively used for beam diagnostics. This radiation originates from the electromagnetic field bound to the charged particle, which separates from the particle itself. Read more
The QUASAR Group, based at the Cockcroft Institute, has pioneered the development of a supersonic gas jet as a non-invasive beam profile monitor. Read more
For our location in Zeuthen we are seeking. PhD student in astrophysics/astroparticle physics. Remuneration Group 13 | Limited. 3 years | Starting date. Read more
We are on the brink of a revolution in our understanding of the Universe with the unfolding of two large galaxy surveys, the Rubin Telescope's legacy survey of space and time (LSST), and ESA's Euclid Mission. Read more
The long-established RHUL ATLAS group is renowned for its expertise in physics (Higgs, top quark and exotic signatures involving electrons), statistical methods and plays a leading role internationally in the ATLAS trigger and data acquisition systems. Read more
The Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway is offering a PhD opportunity on the LZ experiment for direct detection of dark matter. The nature of dark matter is one of the most fundamental open questions in physics, and the LZ experiment is at the forefront of technology designed to pursue this question. Read more
The Centre for Particle Physics at Royal Holloway is offering a PhD opportunity on the T2K and DUNE long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. Read more
The long-established RHUL ATLAS group is renowned for its expertise in physics (Higgs, top quark and exotic signatures involving electrons), statistical methods as well as trigger and data acquisition systems. Read more
John Adams Institute (JAI) for Accelerator Science offers a PhD opportunity in the area of advanced instrumentation, in particular, development of beyond state-of-the-art non-invasive THz generators in modern accelerator facilities based on coherent Cherenkov diffraction radiation mechanism. Read more
The long-established RHUL ATLAS group has extensive expertise in physics (Higgs, top quark and exotic signatures involving electrons), statistical methods, as well as trigger and data acquisition systems. Read more
Applications are invited from talented and creative students for a PhD place in Experimental Particle Physics, to join the Sussex group working on the NOvA experiment under the supervision of Dr Lily Asquith. Read more
FASER stands for “ForwArd Search ExpeRiment” and is one the newest experiments based at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It is a novel experiment searching for exotic long-lived and weakly-interacting new particles. Read more
Probing the Higgs boson, the most recently discovered fundamental particle, and one unlike anything else in the SM, is a critical priority in the search for new physics at the LHC. Read more
Applications are invited from talented, creative, and motivated students for a PhD place in Experimental Particle Physics to join the Sussex group working on novel opaque scintillator detector R&D and neutrino physics under the supervision of Prof Jeff Hartnell. Read more
*Offer only available for the duration of your active subscription, and subject to change. You MUST claim your prize within 72 hours, if not we will redraw.
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